Louis Vuitton’s La Fabrique du Temps revives Gérald Genta

Gérald Genta, one of the most famous names in watchmaking and watch design, will be revived at Louis Vuitton’s High Watchmaking atelier, La Fabrique du Temps, under the aegis of respected founders and Master Watchmakers Michel Navas and Enrico Barbasini – who worked together for Gérald Genta during the 1980s-90s overseeing the minute repeater, tourbillon, and high complications workshops – with the blessing and cooperation of Evelyne Genta. In April 2023, Gérald Genta will be revived by la Fabrique du Temps Louis Vuitton. Production is to be concentrated on high complications made in small quantities. Evelyne Genta – Gérald’s widow and business partner – has allowed the atelier full access to her late husband’s archives that includes hundreds of never-realised designs.