WOLF offers superior technology across all their programmable watch winders, due to their patented features; a WOLF watch winder counts Turns Per Day, while most other winders simply use time to estimate the rotations a watch requires each day
A Watch Winder is designed to keep an automatic watch running when you choose to wear different styles from your collection. If you have an automatic watch that relies on movement alone, then you need a watch winder to keep your watch perfectly on time when it is not being worn.
The WOLF website watch database, which has been collated from the guidelines of all the major watch brands, can help you determine the optimum turns per day and direction of the turn you need to set your winder at to keep your automatic watch perfectly wound.
Automatic watches rely on the movement of the wearer to stay wound. If you do not wear your automatic watch regularly, the mechanisms inside can misalign affecting its accuracy. Not only does a watch winder wind your watch when you do not wear it, but it can also save you time and effort by eliminating the need to manually wind your automatic watch each time you wear it.
As with every collector, your watch collection is bound to grow; why not look to multiple winders even if you just have a couple of watches now. Each of WOLF’s multiple watch winders come with winders that can be individually set to turn the exact number of turns per day for your entire portfolio. WOLF offers watch winders for up to eight pieces or you can alternatively choose from one of their safes with up to 32 winders.
WOLF programmable watch winders also ensure that your mechanical watch is never overwound. All their winders have programmable settings that will deliver the exact number of turns required for your watch, eliminating the possibility of overwinding and damaging the mainspring.
Automatic watches also require a specific direction to be turned in. You can choose from clockwise, counter-clockwise, or bi-directional.
A WOLF watch winder is a handmade precision instrument that focuses on the health of your watch with patented innovations. Placing your watch in a WOLF is an intelligent choice to keep your watch on time and in the best of health. With almost 190 years of innovation. WOLF knows that relying on time is simply never enough.
WOLF’s watch winders are equipped with precise motors to ensure safe and precise winding. Their patented technology Turns Per Day, makes WOLF one of the few brands in the world that can calculate the precise number of rotations a timepiece requires.
They also feature a patented Return to Start function, which allows your timepiece to return to the exact position you chose to start winding it in once the cycle is complete, giving you complete control.
WOLF’s Lock-in Dynamic Cuff is adjustable to three different wrist sizes, ensuring a snug fit for your watch when locked into the winder.